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UNBOUND: Reclaim the WITCH (Woman in Total Control of Herself)

When you begin to unravel lifetimes of wounding, persecution, judgment, hate, and disempowerment, you RECLAIM the WITCH WITHIN.

She is your wild woman, raw in nature, dancing around the fire under a full moon,

She is you holding your boundaries, protecting your peace and energy, not allowing others to bulldoze you, tear you down, or infringe in your sovereignty.

She is you taking back the power over your own life, choosing to be free and happy, embracing your inner child, having fun.

She is you exploring what your inner authentic light means to you, not to anyone else, but to YOU.

The Witch within you is your empowered voice, desiring to be seen, heard and understood.

She is your gentle Mother healer within that provides nurturing support when the healing process gets tough.

She is your courage embodied, the inner lioness, and your inner fire unleased.

She is raw, wild, and loving. She embodies unconditional love, free of judgment.

She is one with nature, Mama Gaia, Pachamama, the Great Mother, the Mother Goddess.

She is infinitely supported by forces seemingly too big to fully grasp as a human being but omnipresent and unconditionally loving.

She is the source of power and of divininity, embodies.

She is the Maiden, Mother and Crone, all in one.

When you embody and accept the Witch within, you embody Divine Femininity in its original expression.

You return to nature, return to the Earth as a protector, a warrior.

You become one with the planets, moon, stars, with the animals, plants and with all organic and inorganic materials.

You UNBIND yourself from the stories of past disempowerment.

You RECLAIM your Power and Inner Light..

You Recognize your Darkness/Shadow but aren't consumed by it.


You embody the Sacred Divine Feminine.

You RE-IMAGINE what the WITCH embodies in a world that stripped away the Divine Feminine Healers' Powers.

This is the ultimate reclaiming of your Inner Sacred Witch - She who is a Woman in Total Control of Herself.

In this submersive healing experience you will:

🖤 Get clarity on where your witch and healer wounds lie within your body, mind and soul so you can shed light on them and transmute them from pain into purpose.

🖤 We’ll explore the Akashic Records to visit any places in your past (this life/past lives) where you may have encountered specific wounds that are surfacing in your present timeline.

🖤 I'll be transmitting Powerful Holy Fire Reiki energy to burn away lingering wounds, fears, doubts, and uncertainties of your path forward, as well as Spiritual Hypnotherapy mini sessions where needed for each individual.

🖤 We will physically/emotionally/psychologically remove blocks that are preventing you from stepping into achieving your highest goals.

🖤 Removing negative entities/energies that are weighing you down and preventing you from achieving your present goals.

🖤 You will fully explore your authentic self-expression as a Witch/Healer/Priestess in this present lifetime and what that looks like and means to you as you move forward in your life.

If you are unsure if you identify with this path, but something is calling to your intuition, then you probably do IDENTIFY and your soul is calling to you to do this deep inner healing work to embody your full expression of self in this lifetime. Sometimes our unconscious minds will lead us to certain paths, even if our conscious minds resist those paths. This is all a part of the healing process.

🖤 We will also learn ritual/spell work to complement the deep healing that you'll be experiencing. I'll teach you how to perform healing spells and rituals for self-healing in the future, anytime you need a boost. You will create your own unique witchy toolbox to return to anytime you need to.

🖤 We’ll honor the moon and cosmic cycles during our program and I will be sharing healing/clearing/transforming moon rituals for you to complete as a supplement to our live healing sessions.

By the end of the program you will have shed layers of old beliefs, traumas and pain that you no longer need to carry with you moving forward to embrace your inner authenticity and healing powers. You'll gain clarity as to where and how your Witch and/or Healer wounds have been showing up in your life and business.

What comes up to heal is different for everyone; knowing that what arises is what's meant to arise for you in this time and the journey you experience will be the perfect one for you.

In this experience I will serve as your gentle loving guide and provide my highest level of unconditional love and support, while you come to your own unique realizations and intuitive breakthroughs. I will also provide intuitive messages, Holy Fire Reiki healing, Mini Spiritual Hypnotherapy Sessions, divination/card readings, Akashic Records deep dives and other intuitive guidance as it's presented to me.

This is a co-created and channeled experience working with our loving spirit teams, higher selves/ inner intuitive muses & higher dimensional beings of light who would love to assist in your healing journey so you can uncover your most authentic spirit-led path.

Results may vary by individual; as we are all on our own unique journeys in this lifetime. Individuals may feel called to work with different spirit guides, spirit animals, angels, goddesses, and ancestors, along the way. There is no wrong answer; it is all about what is calling to you in this moment so you may be guided to your highest path.

1 Module

UNBOUND: A Witchy Multi-Dimensional Healing Experience

If you are here you made the bold decision to step into the path of healing the witch/healer wound in this lifetime.

I'm so happy we found each other in this corner of the world, because I have a strong feeling that I was meant to meet you at this time and in this place so I can help you massively shift and heal so you are able to reclaim your most authentic, soul and spirit-led life on Earth.

Modules for this product 1
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 UNBOUND - Monthly Payment Plan (Unbound Program Only)
 $555.50 USD  ( then $555.50 USD for 3 months )
 UNBOUND - Monthly Payment Plan (Plus Holy Fire Reiki 1 & 2 Certifications)
 $997.00 USD  ( then $997.00 USD for 3 months )
 UNBOUND PAY IN FULL (Receive a Signed Copy of my Co-authored Book, BURNED)
 $2,222.00 USD
 UNBOUND PLUS HOLY FIRE REIKI PAY IN FULL (Receive a Signed Copy of my Co-authored Book, BURNED)
 $2,888.00 USD

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