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Hi, I'm Kelli. I work with women who desire to tap in to their deep intuitive power to co-create their most aligned, beautiful lives on Earth.

This journey is about reclaiming your authenticity to step into your wild woman vibe.

When you unapologetically and unwaveringly choose YOURSELF, you send a signal to the universe that you're open to receive all the beautiful gifts this lifetime has to offer.

If you've felt the call to self-heal and get into energetic alignment so you can feel incredible, release past heavy energy that isn't yours to carry, and create the next chapter of your life feeling empowered, vibrant, emotionally balanced and connecting with your light source energy every single day...oh and make the world a better place for your kiddos...we do that around here too...Then you are in the right place.

It's my belief that all beings are worthy inherently, because we exist.

As women, we've been programmed to believe that we must be constantly "fixing" something to become "better" versions of ourselves.

But I've never bought into a need to "fix" myself...because I know I'm inherently worthy, and so are you.

I teach women with big, wild dreams to self-heal and get into energetic alignment.

I am not a "guru" and will never claim to be.

Every single human living on Earth has an innate intuitive ability, and I am the mentor that will help you to uncover yours.

As moms and/or primary caregivers, it's so easy to fall into taking care of everyone else's needs first, and often the first thing we drop is tuning into our inner guiding light to continue doing what lights us up on a soul level. You're here because you have felt the soul calling to rediscover what lights you up...You're drawn to working with spiritual and universal energies to co-create your most magickal life born of your intuitive power.

Start with an Intuitive Insights Akashic Records Reading to dive into your soul story and what you are here to create, be, and do in this lifetime on Earth – This signature reading opens you up to insights from your soul, and is perfect for anyone who feels the call to reignite your soulful purpose and path on Earth.

Available Products

UNBOUND: Reclaim the WITCH (Woman in Total Control of Herself)

This 4-month group healing experience with twice per month Zoom sessions will help you to dig deeply and uncover what is calling to you to bring to the surface to be healed/transformed/transmuted so you can reclaim your most authentic and soul-led, spirit-led life on Earth.

When you begin to unravel lifetimes of wounding, persecution, judgment, hate, and disappointment, negative energies and stagnant vibes that weren't really even yours to carry, you Reclaim the Witch Within.

She is your wild woman, raw in nature, dancing around the fire under a full moon. She is you holding your boundaries, protecting your energy like a mama bear protects her cubs.

She is you choosing to be free and happy, honoring your inner child, having fun in this crazy earth school we're living in.

She is you exploring what your inner authentic light means to you, not to anyone else, but to you.

The Witch within is your empowered voice, desiring to be seen, heard and understood.

The UNBOUND group program will follow the cycles of the moon, with supplemental healing/clearing/transforming moon rituals incorporated each week to add to your shedding layers of beliefs and old energies that are ready to be transmuted.

There will be Group Telegram Support for the duration of the program, M-F 10am - 2pm during Business Hours.

Akashic Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment Journey: 1:1 Mentorship

The Akashic Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment Journey is a 6 month Live 1:1 Mentoring Experience where you will engage in a high-level mind/body/soul alignment and intuitive self-discovery process using a variety of spiritual and mindset healing tools, customized to your unique journey.

Knowing that you hold the key to your soul calling, this customized mentorship will allow you to dig deep to find that key within, underneath the layers of societal programming, expectations, and outside influences, that were entangled within you for so long.

Recognizing that your unique journey unfolds over time, is why I set this mentorship for a period of 6-months so we can really deeply explore what that journey looks like for you.

I invite you to fill out this 1:1 application if you're ready to take this intuitive empowerment journey together.

BONUS: All clients who book in this 1:1 Journey will receive Holy Fire Reiki I Certification at no additional charge.

Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven (Membership)

Do you want to live from a state of energetic freedom by learning to self-heal, clear your own energy, and ground and work deeply in communion with Mama Gaia and Nature Spirit energies?

Have you heard the call of your Inner Witch - that woman who is in total control of herself, maintaining her personal power and not letting others' energies drag her down in pursuit of her biggest goals/manifestations?

The Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven is your energetic safe haven for you to set up and follow your own self-healing rituals so you can release those denser energies and FEEL FREAKING INCREDIBLE each and every day.

You are the person everyone turns to for healing support - whether that is your kids, spouse, friends, clients. You're the go-to nurturing soul who feels most at home when you're helping others. You thrive on helping others.

But...You can tend to get lost in others' problems; in their needs. Sometimes you can even forget about your own needs and you can unintentionally deplete your energy while helping others.

It's time you took steps toward fulfilling your own spiritual healing path and regaining your energetic health by joining a Coven of like-minded Women that are reclaiming their Inner Power and protecting their energy and boundaries each and every day, showing up as the intuitive empowered leaders of their own lives (Witches, Healers, Shamans, Shamanic Practitioners, Breathwork Healers, Movement Medicine Healers, Yoginis, Meditation Facilitators, Tarot Readers, Lightworkers, and Priestesses are all welcome, but you certainly don't have to identify with any of these labels, you only have to show up with an open mind and heart!)

As you are working through the light and shadows to transmute your deepest inner wounds into positive forward momentum toward manifesting your soul level path...this is the space to be deeply held and supported in a space that beautifully merges the divine feminine with the divine masculine.

You may feel the soul call to help others on their healing journeys - you know it's part of your soul purpose. Even if you don't know the exact “how” and “why” of this calling.

But you tend to give away a lot of your energy for "free," you are the go-to person to help others and it can be soooooo draining. Like "lay in bed for days watching Friends reruns and eating a tub of ice cream" type-draining.

I see you and I want you to feel nourished and replenished, not drained and depleted!

In the Coven we'll get into Soul Nurturing and Energetic Health Practices and Self-Healing for you to tend to your own inner needs.

But beyond that, we'll dive into Modern Witch Practices for you to set up solid energetic protections and boundaries so you can rest easy knowing you're protected from outside influences and sources. We'll also get into rituals, spell work and learning fun witchy things that you can put into practice in your everyday life! (think making spell candles, anointing oils, learning how to do your own intuitive readings and working with tarot/oracle and runes for divination!

This is a group for you to rediscover your Inner Self and Nurture her, whether you refer to her as your intuition, higher self or inner divine feminine. But as you tend to your soul, know that it will energetically extend to others around you. Expect not only inner transformations, but expect those to reflect in the outer world around you as well.


As you begin to tend to your soul, you energetically give others' around you permission to tend to their own soul. As you prioritize your energetic health, you will notice changes start to take place in the world around you. The changes are all for your best interest and highest good (and for the highest good of all involved.)

Magical things begin to happen and manifest when you go all in on this type of healing!

Akashic Soul Coaching, Sacred Earth Healing & Embodiment Session

Have you been curious about exploring the Akashic Records but have no idea where to begin?

You’ve heard the concept and have read a little about it, and it intrigues you.

You may have been seeing more about the Akashic Records online or your friends have mentioned the concept. 

But you’re not sure how to go about beginning this dive into the Akashic realm.


Let me help guide you!

I’ve guided over 24 women in Akashic records journeys since discovering my deep connection to this realm.

My soul has had many lifetimes as a record keeper and guide.

As a Witchy Librarian of the etheric field of information, aka the Akashic records, the connected wisdom of the cosmos, I help sort all of the mystical cosmic info and incorporate it into the 3D world so you, in the here and now, can understand it on a deep cellular level, and be called into your personal journey of spiritual expansion and to re-awaken your higher self’s voice to embrace and share your gifts with the world. 💃

My Akashic Sessions are quickly becoming a go-to soul coaching tool for you to deep dive into your soul level inquiries.

These sessions are not simply a reading - they are what I call Akashic Records Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment.

I empower you to dive deep into your unique  Akashic realm- because I don’t just want to tell you, I want to SHOW you what magic lies within you.

My human design is Sacral Generator, 6/2 Profile. I’m here to empower you to discover your purpose and to help you WHEN you’re ready to take radical responsibility for your personal journey while we co-create your highest self-expression on earth 🌎.

I have limited sessions available for Akashic Soul Coaching, Sacred Earth Healing & Embodiment sessions.

These sessions are one hour in length and we dive deep into your soul’s story and action steps you can take to embody your highest self’s path forward.

You also receive energetic healing from the earth realm as things arise that are ready to be transmuted. We work with Mama Gaia, Kuan Yin, Hecate, Dragons, Fairies, Animal Spirit Guides, just to name a few!

Each session is unique as to what healing you receive. We may also incorporate Holy Fire Reiki ©️ to transmute energies.

Book your session to dive into your soul story and move forward confidently knowing you’re always on the right path, and your spirit team and higher self has your back and is guiding you each step towards your highest self expression on earth.

Enchantment: A Soulful Writer's Mini-Mind with Ritual and Magickal Infusion

You are here because you have heard the calling to reclaim your inner voice and power to lead your life. 

You are ready to submerge from the self-imposed mental cave you’ve been hiding in.


You have the call to share your story with the world; you know it’s time to step out of hiding and face your fear of being seen for who you really are.


You’ve arrived at this point in your life with the knowledge that playing small isn’t going to serve you any longer.

You’re ready to hit a bigger stage -  and that stage is getting your words and your soulful story onto paper and into published form.

It’s sharing that story with people who will be inspired into action to embark on their own healing journey. This is RIPPLE EFFECT LEVEL SOULFUL EXPRESSION.

We don't play small here.

Your soul knows that this is the path. It’s why you keep seeing the signs and synchronicities everywhere that you’re meant to be sharing your story. That you’re meant to heal your voice and call forth your wild untamed authenticity.


Come join ENCHANTMENT - A Soulful Writer’s Mini-Mind with Ritual and Magical Infusion ✨ to fully unearth your deepest truths and put them to paper in a way you never have before.

This magical mini-mind is a safe space for you to heal through storytelling and also take inspired aligned action on your writing goals.

Every time we vulnerably share a personal story, we energetically shift and heal a piece of ourselves, and we also send out healing energy to the collective (and give them permission to also share their stories.) 🙌

This is for New Earth Spiritual Women Leaders who feel called to take a journey to dig deep and get your soulful writing from idea to paper/computer and eventually published to book form (yes, I'm helping you with this WHOLE process through this Mini-Mind but it’s also a soulful, spiritual journey for you to examine & release anything that is stopping you from embodying your inner intuitive muse and unleashing your creative power to the world.)

It's time to suspend all disbelief that your dreams are inevitable, and you're always on the right path. ✨

This is the first cohort of the magical mini-mind, so know that you're getting in on the ground floor of a HUGE MOVEMENT of spiritual women leaders who are ready to break through the ceiling to the next level in sharing their voices with the world.

This is about AWAKENING to your HIGHER SELF EXPRESSION, and sharing that expression with the world in a way that resonates most with your soul.

It's about unapologetically reclaiming your voice that might have been buried or pushed down IN THE PAST. 

It's also about discovering the creative MUSE within yourself, knowing that you do not need to look outside for creative inspiration; it lives right within you. We will be diving into several embodiment and activation calls to reignite your soulful inner intuitive muse and invite all of her wisdom, creative inspiration and pure passion into you life.

I'm calling in 8 beautiful souls to join me in this creative soulful experience - Are you one of them?

This will be a beta program experience for the first 3 months meaning you get in on the ground floor at a fraction of the final price of the program ✨💜

Use code BETA444 for 50% off the price of the mini-mind for a 3-month duration.

AND all who join this round will receive a special signed copy of my co-authored book, BURNED!

Awakening Your Higher Self Expression - a 3-Day Telegram Transmission

Are you a Divine Feminine Business Leader ready to call back your Inner Intuitive Muse, rediscover your higher self's voice, and unveil and unblock your deepest truths so you can begin communicating from your higher self space and finally share your inner truths and gifts with the world?

Are you ready to unapologetically reclaim your voice that might have been buried or pushed down in the past?

Come open up your heart to find out what truths it is holding for you. What truths have been waiting for you to reveal at this moment. Tapping into those truths and a muse for your creative higher self expression.

This will be an experience held on telegram where you get access to 3 days of audio transmissions, mindset and intuitive coaching, and a chat to ask questions and go deeper with me in discovering your inner intuitive muse and what she wants you to explore, create and step into in your life.

There will be energetic activations and follow up integration work for you to fully integrate the experience in.

Freebie Library

Welcome to the Freebie Library, where you'll find pre-recorded workshops, PDF Guides, Journals, Self-Hypnosis, Meditations and Healing Audios and more for stepping into your most powerful intuitive self and manifesting your dream life.

Also included here are all of my Free Challenges and Workshops previously hosted in Mom Intuitive Healing Circle Facebook Group. You're getting access to all of the freebies I've ever created and shared with my audience :-)

11 Mindset Shifts for Abundance & Purpose


Do you desire to shift into a more abundant mindset, but are a little confused on how to even begin? Do you desire abundance in multiple areas of your life - but are finding it hard to access the "how" of attracting more abundance?

These 11 Quick-Win Mindset Shifts will help guide you starting immediately to shift into more abundance and purpose. The Mindset Shifts come along with space for journaling so you can dive deeper into any thoughts or resistance coming up for you while experiencing these mindset shifts.

Self-Hypnosis Audio Bundle

This Hypnosis audio for shifting energy will reframe your thoughts and open you up to powerfully receiving your manifesting energy in order to step into your own success and start taking action on your goals in your business and life.

Note when you sign up for this free hypnosis audio you are also signing up for my email list. I will never send you spam and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Mystical Mentoring Telegram 1:1 Coaching Support

What are you here to be, to do and to create?

Have you heard the call from Mama Gaia, The Great Mother, The Divine Feminine, to step into your embodiment and root deep into the earth as you’re discovering your inner muse and how she wants to show up in the world?

Are you ready to fully explore who you came here to be and self-express as in this lifetime?

If you are ready to even dive deeper into your intuitive and spiritual journey with a mentor who holds you in a very safe and divine feminine nurturing space, come join my 1:1 Telegram Coaching Support, where you can ask questions and receive intuitive guidance during business hours.

Don't be surprised if I also share with you cards, channeled messages, mini readings and other information that comes through to me - when we work together I hold nothing back!

About Kelli:

I’m a Witchy Mystical Intuitive and Empowerment Mentor, a 2x best selling author, incorporating spiritual and energetics tools of Holy Fire Reiki ©️, Spiritual/Akashic Hypnotherapy, Akashic Records Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment.

I’m a mom of one beautiful intuitive magical girl, lifelong writer ✍️ and book nerd and married to a fire lieutenant who is much more of the Earth plane but keeps me grounded nevertheless! And shares in my deep love for travel and exploration 😍.

My human design is Sacral Generator, 6/2 Profile. I’m here to empower you to discover your purpose and to help you WHEN you’re ready to take radical responsibility for your personal journey while we co-create your highest self-expression on earth 🌎.

Ready to DO THIS? Let's go!

Intuitive Reading- Recorded

Are you desiring insights for your Life, career or business? I’m now offering 15 or 30 min intuitive oracle card readings! 

Sign-up for a reading here; and get insights into your personal life, relationships, or career/business!

about me:

I'm an intuitive mindset & business coach for moms - focusing on helping moms move forward in their lives and businesses with purpose and confidence by learning to trust in their intuition and create a life by their own design!

The Eclipse Portal

Awaken yourself to divine feminine expression and intuition as a guide to unlock what you are being called to release this Eclipse season.

Join us for Intuitive Akashic energy readings and energetically releasing Breathwork and Body Movement...

Come join Heather Carroll and I for a 5-week group container for you to lean into what energies are coming up to be released, shifted and transformed during this potent Eclipse Season. ✨

This will be a Channeled Breathwork, Intuitive Movement and Akashic Exploration - We'll be working within the Akashic Records diving into what specifically you are callled to bring forth at this time, and then releasing anything needing to be released through Channeled Breathwork and Movement!

We meet on Thursdays beginning Sept. 12 at 7:30pm EST / 6:30pm CST!

Led by Heather Carroll, Somatic Channeled Breath & Movement Guide

and Kelli Femrite, Mystical Intuitive Empowerment Mentor and Akashic Guide

About Heather:

I help women BE through Channeled Breath Work 💖 Somatic Intuitive Movement 💖 Sacral Healing

About Kelli:

I’m a Witchy Mystical Intuitive and Empowerment Mentor, a 2x best selling author, incorporating spiritual and energetics tools of Holy Fire Reiki ©️, Spiritual/Akashic Hypnotherapy, Akashic Records Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment.

Ready to DO THIS? Let's go!

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