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ReWIRE: An Empowering Journey to Clear the Past and Rewrite Your Story!

Do you want to feel BETTER every day when you wake up - like truly feel AMAZING instead of carrying around the weight of heavy energy that drags you down? Instead Of carrying around energy that might not even be yours to carry?

Do you want to feel EMPOWERED to go after your goals, without worrying that you might fail or fearing judgment from others?

Do you want to step into true inner peace, joy, and abundance in all forms - and have a way to access this beautiful energy every single day, without fearing you're "getting it wrong?"

Do you want to DISRUPT and disconnect your energetic wounds and patterns through self-healing and soul alignment?

Do you want to start to heal those generational wounds that you have energetic attachments to so you can step into your next chapter without hanging into energy that isn't yours?


A 4-week course to help you:

⚡️ Clear past stories/ stagnant energy/ generational wounds/ anything you're attached to energetically that you wish to clear

⚡️ Forgiveness of past stories, people & situations that are tying you to the past

⚡️ Completely Cutting cords on people & past situations - and Cutting cords to past versions of you!

⚡️ Cutting energetic ties that aren't serving you - We're going to completely remove the old energy that's circulating around- that you can release in order to start writing your new story.

⚡️ Creating new empowering stories of who you get to be, what you get to have, or call into your life. It's time to write your own story. Also will include a dive into how you can communicate your new story with others - without compromising your personal beliefs. (When we make shifts in our lives, our loved ones, friends or colleagues might question our shifts. But it is important to have the language available to stand in our power and not waver when others have opinions on our lives! Having the language EMPOWERS US to keep moving toward our soul path and working from our inner power🔥) it's not about appeasing others- it's about EMPOWERING ourselves!

⚡️ Programming the new beliefs in through self-hypnosis. You will receive a 60-minute self-hypnosis session to listen to in order to help you shift into your new empowering beliefs. Then one 30-minute integrative self-hypnosis for you to listen to daily for 30-days following. It's meant to help you integrate in all the work we're doing and program in your new empowering beliefs.

⚡️ Expanding your energetic capacity to hold onto these new empowering beliefs. What happens after the 4 weeks? We're going to go over how you can expand to make these shifts permanent. Energy management/ higher self meditation practice / working with higher light sources to help you energetically expand toward your goals. Setting up a daily intuitive practice to help you stay on track. Working with your unique energy daily & managing the highs and lows we all get - This isn't about perfection, but it's about recognizing that you have the power to transform, to hold space for your expanded capacity and to create a safe space for you to do the internal healing work without beating yourself up or feeling like you're "doing it wrong."

This is about your unique journey. You're here because you are ready to Rewrite your story based on your inner guidance and not what outside sources are telling you that you should be doing.

1 Module

Welcome to ReWIRE! A 4-week program to release your past and step into your abundant, joyful future.

If you are here then you made the bold decision take back your power and join me in the ReWIRE 4-week course. Can I just tell you first you're an amazing badass mom, and you are doing so great!

I'm so happy we found each other in this corner of the world, because I have a strong feeling that I was meant to meet you at this time and in this place so I can help you shift and heal your limiting beliefs, leave the overwhelm in the past and manifest your dream life.

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